
Showing posts from March, 2018

Review: Gymbox

Today, 24th  September 2018 I tried out my first Gymbox   class. The gym just opened at Cannon Street and I was lucky enough to have a taster of the facilities. See below what I got up to, what I thought of the class and if I would recommend it as a top workout spot in London. What class did I do? I did the BadAss class Who was the instructor? Phoebe What was the class like? Described on their website as 'the next level workout for your derriere', I can confirm that this class certainly does make your booty burn! The class was 30-minutes and consisted of a dynamic, cardio warm-up and then 2 sections of weight-based workout. Squats, lunges, pulses were, as expected, all included in the workout. The 2 sections of workout were made up of 3/4 exercises which you did for 1 minute each before switching, complete all the exercises and then have 30 seconds rest. You then repeated that section through again before moving on to the 2nd section. I definitely struggled

Review: MyFitnessPal

In my last post I talked about my relationship with food and my use of MyFitnessPal . See my review below where I talk about the pros and cons of the app and how I think it should be used to aid you in your fitness journey What is it? For anyone who is unfamiliar, MyFitnessPal is an app on your phone that allows you to track calories, macros, exercise, water intake and weight. How does it work? When you first join My Fitness Pal, you will create an account. You get asked to put in your current weight, what sort of lifestyle you lead (sedentary, lightly active etc.) and how much exercise you do. You will then input your goal weight and it will calculate the calories you should be taking in to drop down to that goal weight. 1200kcals - what?! For anyone who has used this app before (specifically women) you will find that no matter what weight you put in as your current or your goal, then it will calculate that you need to eat 1200kcals a day to lose weight. Shock horror. Ea

My Relationship With Food...

A delicate topic for some and certainly one that has caused me to reflect over the last month or so. I am here to talk about my relationship with food which, to be honest, has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me so, strap yourself in as this could be a long one! Growing up, I never really worried about food. I come from quite a fit family and was brought up doing gymnastics and swimming then horse riding and dance... Food for us always contained meat, plenty of fruit and veggies, so a fairly well balanced diet. I never really became concerned about my weight/shape until I was in high school - a classic time for any young person to develop insecurities. For a school performance of Grease, my final show in high school, I was playing the part of Sandy. I started using My Fitness Pal and, as it always does, it calculated me to eat 1200 calories a day (I will go on to my opinions of this later). At this point I was dancing for about 3 hours on a Saturday and horse riding once a week